This appendix applies only to SureMark printers that attach to a POS system with
an RS-232 cable connection.
If you use the RS-485 or USB interfaces, refer to 4610 driver documentation in the
appropriate book for your operating system:
Operating System IBM Publication
4690 OS Version 2 DBCS IBM 4690 OS API Specification for IBM 4610 Printers
DOS IBM Point-of-Sale Subsystem for DOS Programming
OS/2, Windows NT, Windows
95, and Windows 3.1x
IBM Point of Sale Subsystem Programming Reference and
User’s Guide
The 4690 OS manual is available on the current maintenance diskette for the IBM
4690 Operating System. Current versions of all three manuals are available on the
Internet. See “Resources on the Internet” on page 43 for more information.
RS-232 Commands Summary by Function
Table 12. RS-232 Commands Organized by Function
Description Command Page
System Commands
Exercise Program ESC x or X'1B78' 107
Status request ESC v or X'1B76' 107
Extended address command-request
printer ID
GS | SOH or X'1D49;01' This is an IMMEDIATE command. 107
Verify previous commands completed X'1B;00;80;00' 107
Preset or Onetime-Set Commands
Download graphics (logo) commands GS * logo_num n1 n2 data or X'1D2A';logo_num;n1;n2;data 109
Predefine messages GS : message_num data GS : or
Download user-defined characters ESC & snmdataor X'1B26;s;n;m;data' 112
Thermal code page MCT commands 113
Proportional font ESC & snmdataor X'1B;26;s;n;m;data' 114
Impact code page MCT commands 116
Download double-byte characters ESC ( s n data or X'1B28;s;n;data' 117
Flash storage write ESC ’ n1 n2 data or X'1B27;n1;n2;data' 121
Erase flash EPROM sector ESC # n or X'1B23;n' 121
Send checksum of flash EPROM sector ESC ″ n or X'1B22;n' 122
Microcode tolerance (MCT) information
- loading
ESC M nhlor X'1B4D;n'. 122
Microcode tolerance (MCT) information
- request
ESC S n or X'1B53;n' 123
DBCS address vectors ESC S n or X'1B53;n' 125
Setup Commands
Set print mode ESC ! n or X'1B21;n' 125
updated March 18, 2002
100 SureMark DBCS User’s Guide