1 ≤ n2 ≤ 5 for an impact logo.
data The data to form the graphics image. The number of data bytes for
the image is n1 × n2 × 8
To store all-points-addressable print messages.
These messages can be positioned on the page using the commands for
setting positions.
Decimal values are shown, but all parameter values (logo number, n1, n2)
must be hex values when sent to the printer.
The dot density of these messages is specified when the message is
printed. See “Print Predefined Graphics (Logo) Command” on page 151.
The total number of data bytes defined for all (up to 40) defined graphics
messages must be less than 65 376.
If the parameters logo_num, n1,orn2 are out of range, the command is
discarded and its remaining data is processed as print data.
This command should be sent only when the data buffer is empty. See the
description of bit 6 in “Status Byte 2” on page 161.
Images for the thermal logo commands will be defined by one-dot-high rows
(horizontal slices), and the impact will be defined by eight-dot-high rows
(vertical slices).
Note: For a thermal graphic message that is 24 dots high, across the page (n1 =
72, n2 = 3) takes over 2000 bytes of data.
Example: n1=2&n2=2
For Thermal Graphics - Defined as:
updated March 18, 2002
110 SureMark DBCS User’s Guide