
high-level language (HLL) APIs
use of 8-7
use of 8-6
HLL (high-level language)
differences 2-3
HLL (high-level language) APIs
use of 8-6
host print transform 8-17
Host Print Transform (QWPZHPTR) API
use of 8-17
ILE (Integrated Language Environment) APIs
binding directory 4-1
CEE environment
introduction 2-5
example 4-1
example using registration facility 4-9
introduction 2-5, 4-1
registration facility using 4-2
ILE (Integrated Language Environment) CEE APIs
naming conventions 8-7
use of 8-7
ILE C example
accessing field value (initial library list) B-22
accessing the hold attribute B-16
Add Exit Program (QusAddExitProgram) API 4-9
List Objects That Adopt Owner Authority
logging software error (OPM API without
pointers) 6-2
packaging your own software products B-129
Register Exit Point (QusRegisterExitPoint) API 4-9
reporting software error (ILE API with pointers) 6-7
retrieving the hold parameter (error code
structure) B-10
retrieving the hold parameter (exception
message) B-2
using integrated file system B-175
using keys with List Spooled Files API B-33
ILE C language
data type use 2-3, 2-4
ILE COBOL example
accessing field value (initial library list) B-25
accessing the hold attribute B-18
Add Exit Program (QusAddExitProgram) API B-50
Deregister Exit Point (QusDeregisterExitPoint)
API B-87
List Objects That Adopt Owner Authority
packaging your own software products B-136
Register Exit Point (QusRegisterExitPoint) API B-50
Remove Exit Program (QusRemoveExitProgram)
API B-87
ILE COBOL example
report software error (ILE API with pointers) B-122
Retrieve Exit Information
(QusRetrieveExitInformation) API B-66
retrieving file description to user space B-152
retrieving the hold parameter (error code
structure) B-12
retrieving the hold parameter (exception
message) B-4
setting COBOL error handler B-122
using integrated file system B-178
using keys with List Spooled Files API B-38
working with data queues B-165
ILE COBOL language
data type use 2-3, 2-4
ILE RPG example
accessing field value (initial library list) B-29
accessing the hold attribute B-21
Add Exit Program (QusAddExitProgram) API B-58
Deregister Exit Point (QusDeregisterExitPoint)
API B-92
handling error conditions B-8
keys with List Spooled Files API B-42
List Objects That Adopt Owner Authority
logging software error (OPM API without
pointers) B-119
packaging your own software products B-144
Register Exit Point (QusRegisterExitPoint) API B-58
Remove Exit Program (QusRemoveExitProgram)
API B-92
reporting software error (ILE API with
pointers) B-126
Retrieve Exit Information
(QusRetrieveExitInformation) API B-75
retrieving file description to user space B-155
retrieving the hold parameter (error code
structure) B-14
retrieving the hold parameter (exception
message) B-6
using integrated file system B-183
working with data queues B-172
ILE RPG language
data type use 2-3, 2-4
changing user space 2-20
include file
See also
header file
exit program 2-29
ILE example 4-2
QSYSINC library 2-28
error code parameter 4-5
input parameter 2-8
input/output parameter 2-8
X-14 System API Programming V4R1