
Chapter 9. Developing XML Web services 209
service. The mapping between DTDIDs and XML namespaces is defined by the
following group.properties parameter:
namespaceTable is a reference to an XML resource that defines the mapping
between DTDIDs and XSD namespaces and locations.
The algorithm for mapping a DTDID to an XSD namespace and location is as
Lookup the DTDID in the namespaceTable. If an entry exists then use the
defined namespace and location.
Otherwise, the DTDID cannot be mapped so throw an exception.
Modifying the XSL file
We need to modify the namespace in
since the Web Service
has added some lines that were not specified on the DTD file.
Add namespaces specified in the Web Service returned format shown
Example 9-8.
Example 9-8 Namespaces
The returned root element from the Web Service is different, since it uses the
name of the operation. Change XSL file as shown in Example 9-9.
Example 9-9 Changing root element
<!-- The Root Element -->
<!-- The "Root Element" section specifies which template will be -->
<!-- invoked first thus determining the root element of the result tree. -->
<xsl:template match="xsd1:retrieve_passengerList_rdbResult">
<xsl:call-template name="html"/>
Since we introduce a variable named pl
in the namespace, we have to use it in
every occurrence of an element like
Flight, Customer, and so on. See completed
xsl file in Example 9-10.
Example 9-10 passengerList.xsl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>