
v creates a new database on the disk or directory of your choice
v assigns disk space for your data
v configures the new database for optimal performance
v turns on automatic maintenance
v configures notification by e-mail or pager if the database needs attention
Create Database with Automatic Maintenance wizard can be started from First
Steps or directly from within the Control Center.
v If you wish to start the wizard from First Steps, you must also have the First
Steps component installed. First Steps is part of the Getting started component
grouping in the DB2 Setup wizard. It is installed as part of a Typical installation
or may be selected when performing a Custom installation.
v You must have SYSADM or SYSCTRL authority to perform this task.
v For Linux, you must have Xwindow software capable of rendering a graphical
user interface for First Steps and the Control Center to ru n on your machine.
Ensure that you have properly exported your display. For example, export
v On Linux, ensure that you are logged on as the instance owner, db2inst1 by
default. An instance is a logical database manager environment where you
catalog databases and set configuration parameters.
1. Log on to the system with the user account that you want to use to create the
2. Start the Create Database with Automatic Maintenance in the one of the
following ways:
v From First Steps: Click Create Your Own Database.
v From the Control Center: Click the All Databases folder. Click Create New
Database in the All Databases pane.
Follow the steps of the wizard. You will have to provide some details and
preferences about your new database, including such things as its name and
the contacts who can be notified under various conditions.
If you created your own database from First Steps, you will now want to start the
Control Center to begin exploring and working with your database. To do this,
click Work With Databases in First Steps.
Related concepts:
v “Database basics” on page 31
Related tasks:
v “Verifying your new database” on page 32
Verifying your new database
Once you have launched the Control Center, you can verify that your database was
created by finding it in the Object Tree that fills the left side of the Control Center
32 Getting started with DB2 installation and administration