The format of the Horizontal Scroll Release command is as follows:
1B 5C 3F 4C 4D 45
This command resets horizontal scroll mode.
format of the Horizontal Scroll Display Mode Set command is as follows:
1B 5C 3F 4C 4D Pm 3B Pl 3B Pt 3B Pn 3B Pd...Pd
This command sets horizontal scrolling options. The control bytes
embedded in the command sequence (represented by Pm, Pl, Pt, and Pn in
the preceding command format), change the scrolling characteristics.
Pd...Pd represent the data bytes. This command does not affect previous
display settings.
Pm (screen
6 (X'36'): 5x7 dots, 4 rows
7 (X'37'): 5x7 dots, 5 rows
8 (X'38'): 16x16 dots, 8x16 dots, 2 rows
Pl (row) 1 ∼ 4 (X'31'∼X'34'): Pm=6
1 ∼ 5 (X'31'∼X'35'): Pm=7
1 ∼ 2 (X'31'∼X'32'): Pm=8
Pt (scroll
1 (X'31'): 1 digit/10 ms
1 (X'32'): 1 digit/20 ms
Pn (number
of characters)
The number of data bytes (1 for half size letter, 2 for full size letter,
maximum is 128 (X'80').
Pd...Pd This represents the data characters.
The format of the Horizontal Scroll Start command is as follows:
1B 5C 3F 4C 4D 47
This command begins horizontal scrolling on all lines. All
subsequent commands are ignored until a Scroll Mode Release
command is sent.
rules of operation for the Horizontal Scroll On All Lines are as follows:
v Any codes not described here are ignored.
v The most recent Display Mode Set command becomes effective in one
screen scroll setting before the Scroll Start command is performed.
v A screen scrolls from right to left, dot by dot.
v The range of the display that is being scrolled is defined by the screen
mode setting.
v The command is canceled when Pn = X'00'. After it is canceled,
displayed characters are cleared, and the write-in position moves to the
most significant digit of the row.
v The command can be started only on a single line.
v A character’s Display Mode Set command (reverse, blinking, and so on)
can be added with the display data frame. If the command is written
twice or more in one scroll data frame, only the first command is valid;
others are ignored.
Input/output device commands
Appendix A. Input/output device commands A-15