– The New Connector Project Wizard - Prompts you to specify information
about the resource adapter you wish to develop, and then generates code and
a deployment descriptor.
The code generated by the wizard can include sequence of calls, log and trace
messages and comments.
– Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor Editor - An Eclipse multi-page
form editor that allows you to display and configure your deployment
descriptor. As changes are made to configuration properties using the editor,
the appropriate Java bean properties are added to your code.
v Adapter Foundation Classes - A common set of services for all IBM WebSphere
resource adapters.
v Samples - To assist you in creating custom WebSphere resource adapters.
New Connector Project wizard overview
The wizard installed with the WebSphere Adapter Toolkit guides you through
creation of a Connector Project, including the generation of code and a deployment
descriptor for a custom JCA resource adapter.
The New Connector Project Wizard is an Eclipse plug-in intended for use with
WebSphere Integration Developer. The wizard allows you to create code in a Java
Connector Project for a custom resource adapter. Working with the wizard, you can
do the following:
v Generate implementations of the JCA 1.5 interface specification or extensions
to the Adapter Foundation Classes API
The wizard prompts you for information that is then used to create the
appropriate code for your adapter.
Figure 4. New Connector Project wizard
WebSphere Adapter development overview 9