The OSA-Express3 and OSA-Express2 Ethernet features
support the following CHPID types:
CHPID OSA-Express3, Purpose/Traffi c
Type OSA-Express2
OSA-Integrated Console Controller (OSA-ICC)
TN3270E, non-SNA DFT, IPL to CPC and LPARs
Operating system console operations
Queued Direct Input/Output (QDIO)
GbE TCP/IP traffi c when Layer 3
10 GbE Protocol-independent when Layer 2
/HPR and/or TCP/IP
passthru (LCS)
GbE Supports channel data link control (CDLC)
OSA-Express3 10 GbE
OSA-Express3 10 Gigabit Ethernet LR
The OSA-Express3 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) long reach
(LR) feature has two ports. Each port resides on a PCIe
adapter and has its own channel path identifi er (CHPID).
There are two PCIe adapters per feature. OSA-Express3
10 GbE LR is designed to support attachment to a 10
Gigabits per second (Gbps) Ethernet Local Area Net-
work (LAN) or Ethernet switch capable of 10 Gbps.
OSA-Express3 10 GbE LR supports CHPID type OSD
exclusively. It can be defi ned as a spanned channel and
can be shared among LPARs within and across LCSSs.
OSA-Express3 10 Gigabit Ethernet SR
The OSA-Express3 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) short reach
(LR) feature has two ports. Each port resides on a PCIe
adapter and has its own channel path identifi er (CHPID).
There are two PCIe adapters per feature. OSA-Express3
10 GbE SR is designed to support attachment to a 10
Gigabits per second (Gbps) Ethernet Local Area Net-
work (LAN) or Ethernet switch capable of 10 Gbps.
OSA-Express3 10 GbE SR supports CHPID type OSD
exclusively. It can be defi ned as a spanned channel and
can be shared among LPARs within and across LCSSs.
OSA-Express3 Gigabit Ethernet LX
The OSA-Express3 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) long wave-
length (LX) feature has four ports. Two ports reside on a
PCIe adapter and share a channel path identifi er (CHPID).
There are two PCIe adapters per feature. Each port sup-
ports attachment to a one Gigabit per second (Gbps) Eth-
ernet Local Area Network (LAN). OSA-Express3 GbE LX
supports CHPID types OSD and OSN. It can be defi ned
as a spanned channel and can be shared among LPARs
within and across LCSSs.
OSA-Express3 Gigabit Ethernet SX
The OSA-Express3 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) short wave-
length (SX) feature has four ports. Two ports reside on a
PCIe adapter and share a channel path identifi er (CHPID).
There are two PCIe adapters per feature. Each port sup-
ports attachment to a one Gigabit per second (Gbps) Eth-
ernet Local Area Network (LAN). OSA-Express3 GbE SX
supports CHPID types OSD and OSN. It can be defi ned
as a spanned channel and can be shared among LPARs
within and across LCSSs.