
With z/OS 1.9, IBM introduces:
A revised and expanded Statement of z/OS System
Large Page Support (1 MB)
• Capacity Provisioning
Support for up to 64 engines in a single image (on z10
EC model only)
Simplifi ed and centralized policy-based networking
Expanded IBM Health Checker
• Simplifi ed RACF
Hardware Decimal Floating Point
Parallel Sysplex support for Infi niband
Coupling Links
NTP Support for STP
HiperSockets Multiple Write Facility
• OSA-Express3 support
Advancements in ease of use for both new and existing
IT professionals coming to z/OS
Support for zIIP-Assisted IPSec, System Data Mover
(SDM) offl oad to zIIP, and support for eligible portions of
DB2 9 XML parsing workloads to be offl oaded to zAAP
Expanded options for AT-TLS and System SSL network
Improved creation and management of digital certifi -
cates with RACF, SAF, and z/OS PKI Services
Additional centralized ICSF encryption key management
functions for applications
Improved availability with Parallel Sysplex and Coupling
Facility improvement
Enhanced application development and integration with
new System REXX
facility, Metal C facility, and z/OS
System Services commands
Enhanced Workload Manager in managing discretionary
work and zIIP and zAAP workloads
Commitment to system integrity
First issued in 1973, IBM’s MVS
System Integrity State-
ment and subsequent statements for OS/390
and z/OS
stand as a symbol of IBM’s confi dence and commitment to
the z/OS operating system. Today, IBM reaffi rms its com-
mitment to z/OS system integrity.
IBM’s commitment includes designs and development
practices intended to prevent unauthorized application
programs, subsystems, and users from bypassing z/OS
security—that is, to prevent them from gaining access,
circumventing, disabling, altering, or obtaining control of
key z/OS system processes and resources unless allowed
by the installation. Specifi cally, z/OS “System Integrity” is
defi ned as the inability of any program not authorized by
a mechanism under the installation’s control to circumvent
or disable store or fetch protection, access a resource pro-
tected by the z/OS Security Server (RACF), or obtain con-
trol in an authorized state; that is, in supervisor state, with
a protection key less than eight (8), or Authorized Program
Facility (APF) authorized. In the event that an IBM System
Integrity problem is reported, IBM will always take action to
resolve it.
IBM’s long-term commitment to System Integrity is unique
in the industry, and forms the basis of the z/OS industry
leadership in system security. z/OS is designed to help you
protect your system, data, transactions, and applications
from accidental or malicious modifi cation. This is one of
the many reasons System z remains the industry’s premier
data server for mission-critical workloads.