The webcam properties dialog box displays.
Here you can change image, video and camera settings,
as well as set other advanced options.
Your webcam can zoom in as much as 3×. To change the
zoom level:
Click the 1. webcam settings icon in the Capture window
(see “change video settings” on page 7).
The 2. webcam properties dialog box displays. Select the
Stream Property tab.
Click and drag the 3. Zoom slider to change the zoom
level, left to zoom out and right to zoom in.
Click 4. OK.
remove video icker
Video icker is when the image is not steady, and often
appears as a series of bands moving up or down the
screen. To remove video icker:
Click the 1. webcam settings button in the Capture window
(see “change video settings” on page 7).
The 2. webcam properties dialog box displays. Select the
Stream Property tab.