0 ≤ m ≤ 1
[Description] Executes a macro.
• r specifies the number of times to execute the macro.
• t specifies the waiting time for executing the macro.
The waiting time is t × 100 msec. for each macro execution.
• m specifies macro executing mode:
When the LSB of m = 0, the macro is executed r times con-
tinuously at the interval specified by t.
When the LSB of m = 1, after waiting for the period specified
by t, the LED indicator blinks and the printer waits for the
FEED button to be pressed. After the button is pressed, the
printer executes the macro once. The printer repeats the
operation r times.
[Notes] • This command has an interval of (t × 100 msec.) after a
macro is executed by t.
• If this command is received while a macro is being defined,
the macro definition is aborted and the definition is cleared.
• If the macro is not defined or if r is 0, nothing is executed.
• When the macro is executed by pressing the FEED button
(m=1), the paper cannot be fed using the FEED button.
[Reference] GS :
[Name] Print counter
[Format] ASCII GS c
Hex 1D 63
Decimal 29 99
[Description] Sets the serial counter value in the print buffer and incre-
ments or decrements the counter value.
[Notes] • After setting the current counter value in the print buffer as
print data (a character string), the printer counts up or down
based on the count mode set. The counter value in the print
buffer is printed when the printer receives a print command or
the buffer is full.
• The counter print mode is set using GS C 0.
• The counter mode is set using GS C 1 or GS C ;.