InFocus LiteShow User’s Guide 11
The LiteShow Manager software
The LiteShow Manager client application is your tool for controlling the LiteShow adapter and wireless projection. We
recommend that you periodically refer to the InFocus Upgrade and Downloads center at updates@infocus.com for
software enhancements and service releases. To start LiteShow Manager, navigate to Start>Programs>InFocus>Lite-
Show and select LiteShow Manager from the open folder. For Apple users, go to Finder>Applications>InFocus>Lite-
Show and click the LiteShow Manager icon.
If you opted to place a shortcut to LiteShow Manager on your desktop during installation, you can double-click the
LiteShow Manager desktop icon instead.
Once opened, the LiteShow Manager populates its list window with all LiteShow-enabled projectors found on your
current WLAN.
LiteShow Manager with preferences revealed
list of LiteShow
display LiteShow help
close LiteShow Manager
display LiteShow adapter settings
hide/display LiteShow
Manager user
scan for available projectors on
connect to selected LiteShow projector
other networks