Area code list
Choose an area code from this list.
Use the following check list for troubleshooting
when you have problems with your DVD/VCR.
Consult your local dealer or service outlet if
problems persist. Make sure that all connections
are correctly made when using with other
Korean 7579 Wolof 8779
Kurdish 7585 Xhosa 8872
Laothian 7679 Yiddish 7473
Latin 7665 Yoruba 8979
Latvian, Lettish 7686 Zulu 9085
Area Code Area Code
Afghanistan AF Malaysia MY
Argentina AR Maldives MV
Australia AU Mexico MX
Austria AT Monaco MC
Belgium BE Mongolia MN
Bhutan BT Morocco MA
Bolivia BO Nepal NP
Brazil BR Netherlands NL
Cambodia KH Netherlands
Canada CA New Zealand NZ
Chile CL Nigeria NG
China CN Norway NO
Colombia CO Oman OM
Congo CG Pakistan PK
Costa Rica CR Panama PA
Croatia HR Paraguay PY
Czech Republic CZ Philippines PH
Denmark DK Poland PL
Ecuador EC Portugal PT
Egypt EG Romania RO
El Salvador SV Russian
Ethiopia ET Saudi Arabia SA
Fiji FJ Senegal SN
Finland FI Singapore SG
France FR Slovak Republic SK
Germany DE Slovenia SI
Great Britain GB South Africa ZA
Greece GR South Korea KR
Greenland GL Spain ES
Islands HM Sri Lanka LK
Hong Kong HK Sweden SE
Hungary HU Switzerland CH
India IN Taiwan TW
Indonesia ID Thailand TH
Israel IL Turkey TR
Italy IT Uganda UG
Jamaica JM Ukraine UA
Japan JP United States US
Kenya KE Uruguay UY
Kuwait KW Uzbekistan UZ
Language Code # Language Code #
Libya LY Vietnam VN
Luxembourg LU Zimbabwe ZW
Problem Cause Solution
No power The power cord is
Plug the power cord into the
wall outlet securely.
Abnormal or
no picture
The TV is not set to
receive DVD/VCR
signal output
Select the appropriate video
input mode on the TV so the
picture from the DVD/VCR
appears on the TV screen.
The video cable is
not connected
Connect the video cable to the
jacks securely.
output setting and
the TV resolution
capabilities are
Check the TV’s capability.
Check the mode of
connections, such as S-Video
or components.
The wrong
Check the connection.
Distorted or
no sound
The equipment
connected with the
audio cable is not
set to receive
DVD/VCR signal
Select the correct input mode
of the audio receiver so you
can listen to the sound from
The audio cables are
not connected
Connect the audio cable to the
jacks securely
The power of the
connected with the
audio cable is turned
Turn on the equipment
connected with the audio cable
The AUDIO options
are set to the
incorrect position
Set the AUDIO options to the
correct position
The playback
picture is
The disc is dirty Clean the disc
The TV channels are
not tuned in
Check the tuning, carry out
tuning again
The tape heads are
Clean the video heads
The tape is a rental
or was recorded on
another VCR.
Use TRK ( / ) for manual
tracking adjustment while the
tape is playing
Area Code Area Code
NS-DVDVCR.fm Page 19 Saturday, December 23, 2006 9:52 AM