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Upon entering Scene mode this screen will display for ~2 seconds
LCD display if Up button is tapped
LCD displays when using Up or Down buttons to select from among the 4 controller groups
Remove INSTEON Wireless Thermostat as a Controller
If you want to remove INSTEON Wireless Thermostat from a scene as a controller, follow instructions
below. Whenever possible, use software for managing scene memberships.
Note: If you choose to remove INSTEON Wireless Thermostat from use, it is important that you remove
scene memberships from all responders. Follow the instructions below for each responder of which
INSTEON Wireless Thermostat is a member.
1) Press and hold INSTEON Wireless Thermostat Set button until it beeps
INSTEON Wireless Thermostat Set LED will blink green
2) Press and hold INSTEON Wireless Thermostat Set button again to put it in scene mode
INSTEON Wireless Thermostat Set LED will blink red
LCD display indicates the group from which you are removing the scene
3) Tap Up and Down arrows to select appropriate group to remove from:
• Group 1 - Cooling mode change, default