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Linking In-LineLinc Dimmer as an INSTEON Responder
Be sure to link In-LineLinc Dimmer to an INSTEON controller before you finish installing the fixture. Refer
to your controller device’s Quick Start Guide or Owner’s Manual to properly link it to In-LineLinc.
Most controllers use the procedure below:
1) Put your controller into linking mode. For most INSTEON controllers, press and hold the Set button
for 3 seconds or the On/scene button for 10 seconds.
You will have 4 minutes to complete the next step before linking mode times out.
2) Press and hold In-LineLinc’s Set button until it double-beeps.
In-LineLinc’s status LED will flash once, then turn on if the load is off or off if the load is on.
3) Confirm that linking was successful by tapping the controller button you just linked.
The load wired to In-LineLinc will respond appropriately.
Unlinking In-LineLinc Dimmer as an INSTEON Responder
If you are no longer going to use an In-LineLinc Dimmer that was linked to an INSTEON controller, it is
important that you unlink it. Otherwise, the controller will retry commands and cause network delays.
Most controllers use the unlinking procedure below:
1) Put your controller into unlinking mode. For most INSTEON controllers, press and hold the Set button
for 3 seconds twice or the On/scene button for 10 seconds twice.
You will have 4 minutes to complete the next step before unlinking mode times out.
2) Press and hold In-LineLinc’s Set button until it double-beeps.
In-LineLinc’s status LED will flash once, then turn on if the load is off or off if the load is on.
3) Confirm that unlinking was successful by tapping the controller button you just unlinked.
The load wired to In-LineLinc will not respond.
Advanced Features
Setting the Local On-Level
The local on-level is the brightness setting at which the connected load will turn on. While In-LineLinc
Dimmer’s default on-level is 100% brightness, it is adjustable anywhere from off to 100%. You can set the
local on-level from 32 levels manually at In-LineLinc Dimmer (we recommend doing so prior to final
installation) or configure it within 1% increments using home management software such as HouseLinc.
1) Using either the local ON and OFF buttons or a controller (if In-LineLinc Dimmer is already linked to
one), adjust the load wired to In-LineLinc Dimmer to the desired brightness level.
2) Once you have reached the level you want, tap In-LineLinc Dimmer’s Set button.
3) Test the local on-level by tapping In-LineLinc’s On and Off buttons.
The load connected to In-LineLinc will turn on at the local on-level.
Setting the Ramp Rate
The ramp rate is the speed at which the connected load goes from full-off to the local on-level and vice
versa. The default ramp rate is 0.5 seconds, but is adjustable from 0.1 seconds to 2 seconds (manual
programming from the Set button) all the way to 9 minutes (programming through home automation
software such as HouseLinc).