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temperature calibration modes (E)
Internal Temperature Calibration
• I appears on right side of screen
• The top left number (77 in example) is the current reading according to the temperature sensor
• The top right number (14 in example) is the current offset (represents 1.4)
• These numbers can change while this screen is displayed even though the primary temperature
does not change; they are floating point calculations.
1) Tap Up or Down arrows to adjust the displayed temperature to match the calibrated source
i. Each press results in a 1° F (0.5° C) change
ii. The calculation using example numbers below is 78 = 77 + 1.4
iii. The offset range is from –10 to +10 actual °s
Humidity Calibration Mode
1) Once in Setup Mode for temperature calibration (step 1 above), tap Mode button to step between
temperature calibration and humidity calibration
2) Press the Up or Down arrow to select the current humidity level
• The top left number (40 in example) is the current reading according to the humidity sensor
• The top right number (-92 in example) is the current offset (represents -9.2)
• These numbers can change while this screen is displayed even though the primary humidity level
does not change. they are floating point calculations
o Each press results in a 1% humidity change
o The calculation using example numbers below is (31 = 40 – 9.2) and 42 = 40 + 1.7
o The offset is from -10 to +10
3) Press the MODE button to calibrate the external temperature sensor or press Program to exit
calibration mode
External Temperature Calibration
• If you are using a Waterproof Temperature Sensor, use this mode to calibrate its external
temperature readings
• E appears on right side of screen
1) Tap Up or Down arrows to adjust the displayed temperature to match the calibrated source
i. Each press results in a 1° F (0.5° C) change
ii. The calculation using example numbers below is 78 = 77 + 1.4
iii. The offset range is from –10 to +10 actual °s
iv. If no external sensor is installed, EE will be displayed instead