2452-222/2452-422/2452-522 Rev. 11/6/2012 1:27 PM / See Owner’s Manual for Warranty Information.
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© Copyright 2012 INSTEON, 16542 Millikan Ave., Irvine, CA 92606, 800-762-7845
Adjust Detection Area
1) Tap the Set button on Motion Sensor until the linked responder(s) turn off
2) Within 10 seconds walk well out of detection area
3) Wait 20 seconds
4) Walk into and near your detection area. Your linked responders will turn on (LED will flash upon initial motion, then once
every 8 seconds during motion).
a. If LED does not flash while you are moving within the desired detection area, re-aim sensor (usually means pointing
the Sensor “up”)
b. If LED flashes while you’re moving outside detection area:
i. Aim sensor to decrease range (usually means aiming the sensor “down”).
ii. If aiming sensor does not generate desired results place jumper 1 on both pins (see section Setup Modes).
Setup Modes (Optional)
Set Jumpers
Jumpers are small plastic “boxes” that act as a switch. When installed on 2 pins, the switch is “on.” When installed on 1 pin (or
missing), the switch is “off.”
Jumper 1 – Sensitivity
To reduce sensor’s detection range by approximately 33%, use needle-nose pliers to carefully remove Jumper 1 (the left-most
jumper) from the single pin it is installed on and reinstall it on both pins. Tap the set button once, wait 10 seconds and activate
motion to establish the new setting.
Jumper 2 – Disable LED
If you wish to disable the LED (it will still operate during setup), install Jumper 2 on both pins. Tap the set button once, wait 10
seconds and activate motion to establish the new setting.
Jumper 3 – Night-Only Mode
If you wish to have the Sensor operate only when dark, install Jumper 3 on both pins. Tap the Set button once, wait 10 seconds
and activate motion to establish the new setting. Note: It takes 3.5 minutes (or 7 Set button taps) to detect the difference between
day and night. See Day/Night Threshold below for details.
Jumper 4 – On-Only Mode
If you wish to disable the automatic-off countdown, install jumper 4 on both pins and the Motion Sensor will only send “On.” Tap
the Set button once, wait 10 seconds, and activate motion to establish the new setting.
Jumper 5 – Remote (Software) Management
If you wish to manage all of sensors settings via INSTEON software (such as HouseLinc), install jumper 5 on both pins. Then,
follow your INSTEON software instructions for managing sensor.
Adjust Modes
Adjust Dials
Left Dial – Adjust Automatic “Off” Countdown
Using a small Phillips screwdriver, adjust to the desired time duration in which you want Motion Sensor to send an OFF command
after the last motion sensed. Turning the dial all the way counter-clockwise sets the countdown to 30 seconds; turning the dial all
the way clockwise sets it to 2 hours. Anywhere in between results in a proportional difference between 30 seconds and 2 hours.
Right Dial – Day/Night Threshold
Using a small Phillips screwdriver, adjust the day/night threshold to desired light level. Turning the dial clockwise increases the
light level of the threshold; turning the dial counter-clockwise decreases the light level of the threshold. For example, when you
turn the dial all the way clockwise, Motion Sensor will read “night” no matter how bright it is. Likewise, turning the dial all the way
counter-clockwise will make Motion Sensor read “day” no matter how dark it is. Turning the dial anywhere in between will choose
the specific light level which Motion Sensor uses to determine “night” vs. “day.” To test, set Motion Sensor to night-only mode (see
above) and tap the set button 7 times. If it reads the current light level as “night,” it will turn on its linked responders on first sensed
motion. If it reads “day,” the LED will flash on first motion, but it will not turn on its linked responders.
Move a dual-band INSTEON device (e.g., Access Point) closer to the Motion Sensor