C H A P T E R 2Getting to know the Module
Proprietary 500 series VLANs
Overlapping proprietary VLANs may cause a problem if more than one
of the VLANs are mapped to a 802.1 Q VLAN. Failure to adhere to this
may lead to connectivity problems.
802.1 Q VLANs
Stations in the 802.1 Q environment that are members of more than one
VLAN may experience connectivity problems if more than one of the
VLANs are mapped to a proprietary 500 series VLAN. Therefore, it is
recommended that overlapping 802.1 Q VLANs are not mapped to pro-
prietary 500 series VLANs.
However, if a station must be a member of more than one 802.1 Q
VLAN and be mapped to a proprietary 500 series VLAN, then by mak-
ing an IP or MAC policy for the station and including this as a perma-
nent entry, the connectivity problems may be avoided.
VLAN policy restrictions
VLANs defined using Port Policies are not supported by this module.
Although MAC policies and IP policies are supported, they are only
useful for stations (in the 802.1 Q environment) that are members of
more than one 802.1 Q VLAN (see Overlapping VLANs).
NOTE: Permanent entries are supported, but IP or MAC Policies must
be created to use them. This is because no real learning occurs on per-
manent entries.
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
Multiple STP is supported by this module with the following condition:
only one VLAN per port is permitted when Multiple STP is enabled.
A23295.book Page 8 Wednesday, August 30, 2000 1:16 PM