C H A P T E R 2 Installing and Removing the Express Hub
Installing and Connecting Multiple
The procedure for installing and connecting multiple hubs is similar
for rack installations and table or shelf installations. When installing
multiple hubs, follow this sequence:
• Install the hubs.
• Connect the hubs together using the cascade cables.
• Connect the power cords to the hubs.
To install multiple hubs, follow these steps:
1. Install one hub at a time in the rack or on the shelf or table.
Refer to “Installing the Hub in a Rack” or “Installing the Hub on a
Table or Shelf” earlier in this chapter.
2. Connect the hubs using the cascade cables.
To install the cascade cable:
a. Ensure the power cords are not connected to the hubs you are
The Pwr LED on the front panels of the hubs should be off.
b. Connect one end of the cascade cable to the Cascade Down
connector on the rear panel of the hub on the top.
Cascade down Cascade up
Cascade cable
Installing a cascade cable
c. Connect the other end of the cascade cable to the Cascade Up
connector on the rear panel of the hub on the bottom.
Do not connect the power
cord to the hub until all the
hubs are installed, connected
together through the cascade
cable, and ready for