166 21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual
List of Registers
Table 84. I2O Inbound Post_List Interrupt Mask
Byte Offset: 3F:3Ch
Bit Name R/W Description
2:0 Reserved R Reserved. Read only as 0.
Inbound Post
Interrupt mask for Inbound Post_List Status.
• When 0, the 21555 asserts s_inta_l when the Inbound
Post_List Status bit is a 1.
• When 1, the 21555 does not assert s_inta_l when the
Inbound Post_List Status bit is a 1.
• Reset value is 1
31:4 Reserved R Reserved. Read only as 0.
Table 85. I2O Inbound Queue
Byte Offset: 43:40h
Bit Name R/W Description
I2O_IN (P)
Reserved (S)
This register controls the host processor access to the I2O inbound queue.
When this register is read from the primary bus, the 21555 returns the value
from the head of the I2O inbound Free_List. When this register is written
from the primary bus, the 21555 writes the data to the tail of the inbound
Post_List. Accesses from the secondary bus are treated as reserved. The
actual location of the inbound queue lists are in local memory, and the initial
location of the Free_List head and Post_List tail pointers must be
programmed by the local processor in the I2O Inbound Free_List Head
Pointer and I2O Inbound Post_List Tail Pointer registers.
Table 86. I2O Outbound Queue
Byte offset: 47:44h
Bit Name R/W Description
Reserved (S)
This register controls the host processor access to the I2O outbound
queue. When this register is read from the primary bus, the 21555
returns the value from the head of the I2O outbound Post_List. When this
register is written from the primary bus, the 21555 writes the data to the
tail of the outbound Free_List. Accesses from the secondary bus are
treated as reserved. The actual location of the outbound queue lists are
in local memory, and the initial location of the Post_List head and
Free_List tail pointers must be programmed by the local processor in the
I2O Outbound Post_List Head Pointer and I2O Outbound Free_List Tail
Pointer registers.