
6 Intel
855GME and Intel
852GME Thermal Design Guide for Embedded Applications
Introduction 1
1.1 Document Objective
This document is intended to aid system designers to properly implement a thermal management
design to ensure reliable and efficient operation of the Intel
855GME and Intel
852GME chipset
memory controller hubs (MCHs). The objective of thermal management for chipset MCHs is to
ensure that the temperature of product while operating in a embedded system is maintained within
functional limits. The functional temperature limit is the range within which the electrical circuits
within the silicon can be expected to meet specified performance requirements. Operation outside
the functional limit can degrade system performance, cause logic errors, or cause component and/
or system damage. Temperatures exceeding the maximum operating limits may result in
irreversible changes in the operating characteristics of the components. This document will provide
an understanding of the operating limits of the Intel
855GME and Intel
852GME chipset MCHs
and suggest proper thermal design techniques based on a particular configuration.
1.2 Terminology
Term Definition
DDR Double Data Rate
Flip Chip Ball Grid Array. A package type defined by a plastic substrate on to which a die is
mounted using an underfill C4 (Controlled Collapse Chip Connection) attach style. The
primary electrical interface is an array of solder balls attached to the substrate opposite the
Refers to a P-N junction on the silicon. In this document it is used as a temperature reference
point for the hottest point on the die (e.g., θ
refers to the junction to ambient thermal
PCB Printed Circuit Board
Tcase The measured temperature of a component at the geometric center of the top of the die.
Thermal Design Power. Thermal solutions should be designed to dissipate this target power
level. The thermal design power is specified as the highest sustainable power level of most or
all of the real applications expected to be run on the given product, based on extrapolations in
both hardware and software technology over the life of the component. Thermal solutions
should be designed to dissipate this target power level.
Thermal Interface Material. This material is designed to fill surface voids between the die and
heat sink surfaces in order to facilitate heat transfer.
Tjunction temperature at the hottest point in the die
MCH Memory Controller Hub, also referred to as chipset MCH
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer