Design Guide 79
31244 PCI-X to Serial ATA Controller
References 16
16.1 Related Documents
The following books and specifications may be helpful for designing with the Intel
31244 PCI-X
to serial ATA controller.
Intel documentation is available from your local Intel Sales Representative or Intel Literature
To obtain Intel literature write to or call:
Intel Corporation
Literature Sales
P.O. Box 5937
Denver, CO 80217-9808
(1-800-548-4725) or visit the Intel website at http://www.intel.com
Table 39. Design References
Design References
1 Transmission Line Design Handbook, Brian C. Wadell
2 Microstrip Lines and Slotlines, K. C. Gupta. Et al.
3 PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 1.0a
4 PCI-X Electrical Subgroup Report, Version1.0
Design, Modeling and Simulation Methodology for High Frequency PCI-X Subsystems, Moises Cases,
Nam Pham, Dan Neal. Refer to www.pcisig.com.
6 PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 PCI Special Interest Group 1-800-433-5177
7 High-Speed Digital Design “A Handbook of Black Magic” Howard W. Johnson, Martin Graham
8 Serial ATA: High-Speed Serial AT Attachment Rev. 1.0. Refer to http://www.serialata.org.
“Terminating Differential Signals on PCBs”, Steve Kaufer and Kelee Crisafulli, Printed Circuit Design,
March 1999
Table 40. Intel Related Documentation
Document Title Order #
31244 PCI-X to Serial ATA Controller Developer’s Manual 273603
31244 PCI-X to Serial ATA Controller Datasheet 273595
® Packaging Databook 240800
31244 PCI-X to Serial ATA Controller HBA Manual 273792
31244 PCI-X to Serial ATA Controller Red Canyon CRB Manual 273801