Technical Information
About the Configuration File
A configuration file is an ASCII text file that contains initialization
information and configuration settings for the Intel
NetStructure 470T
and 470F Switches specified by the network administrator. The switch’s
configuration file (.CFG) can be up to 10KB in size and is stored on a
central server where it is downloaded onto the switch using TFTP.
You can use a text editor like Windows* Notepad or Helios Software
Solutions TextPad* to make changes to the configuration file. The switch
interprets file lines beginning with the pound (#) sign as comments. It
interprets all other lines as commands. When the switch initializes, it uses
this file to configure parameters like port speed, port security, and SNMP
trap receivers.
To easily manage multiple switches, use a standard configuration file.
Instead of requiring a network administrator to make changes to each switch
manually, the switch uses the file to configure itself.