Chapter 1
4 Processor Performance on Adobe*
After Effects*
1.0 Software Description
Adobe After Effects 6.5 software delivers a comprehensive set of tools to efficiently produce motion
graphics and visual effects for film, video, multimedia, and the Web. The After Effects 6.5 Production
Bundle provides core compositing, animation and effects tools, 16-bit color support, vector paint capabilities,
network rendering, and additional powerful keying, motion control, visual effects, 3D channel, and audio
1.1 Test Workload Description
The workload applies different filters and effects to a variety of input file types including Photoshop* PSD,
Illustrator AI and EPS, TIF, and QuickTime* MOV files. Some of the filters and effects include: blur, bulge,
color key, frame blending, glow, motion blurring, fading, 2D and 3D manipulation, shadows, echo, median,
radial blur, and invert. After each filter is applied, the composition is rendered to an uncompressed AVI
movie file of the same resolution as the input file(s).
1.2 Results
The Adobe After Effects 6.5 test shows excellent performance for the Pentium 4 processor by using real-
world production software to measure the processing power available to produce motion graphics and visual
effects for video. This workload was created to showcase key features of the application. This application
benefits from enhanced SSE3 technology implementation, 2MB level 2 cache, 90nm technology, high
memory bandwidth with the 1066 MHz system bus, and balanced platform design. Furthermore, benefits are
seen by the end user because the application is threaded thus allowing Hyper-Threading technology to better
allocate and utilize the resources of the processor. The Intel Pentium 4 processor 3.73GHz Extreme Edition
with HT Technology shows excellent performance.