48 536EX Chipset Developer’s Manual
Intel Confidential
+EB 1, 0, 30
Break Handling: Controls break handling in error control operation. It accepts three numeric
+EB = <break selection>, <timed>, <default length>
<break selection> specifies the type of break to be signaled to the remote DCE upon detecting one from
the local DTE.
0 Ignore Break (do not signal to remote DCE)
1 Non-expedited, non-destructive
2 Expedited, non-destructive
3 Expedited and destructive
<timed> specifies if the break signal to be signaled to the remote DCE is timed or not.
0 Sent without a break signal length
1 Sent with break signal length
<default length> specifies the amount of time in tens of milliseconds that a break should be signaled to
the local DTE when an indication of a break is received from the remote DCE without explicitly indicated.
0 Do not deliver received break to DTE
1 Default break length 0.01 to 2.54 seconds. Used for default to signal DTE when break
received from the remote DCE without break length
Controls the use of breaks in V.42.
Table 18. Data Mode Command Descriptions (Continued)
Command Default Description
NOTE: An asterisk (*) denotes the factory-default setting.