Problem Solving
POST Error Codes and Messages
Whenever a recoverable error occurs during POST, BIOS displays a message on the
video display screen and causes the speaker to beep as the message appears. BIOS also
issues a beep code (one long tone followed by two short tones) during POST if the
video configuration fails or if an external ROM module does not a checksum of zero.
The “POST Error Codes and Messages” table is a list of the error codes and messages
written at the start of each POST test. The “POST Error Beep Codes” table is a list of
beep codes issued for each POST test.
POST Error Codes and Messages
Code Error Message
0200 Failure Fixed Disk
0210 Stuck Key
0211 Keyboard error
0212 Keyboard Controller Failed
0213 Keyboard locked - Unlock key switch
0220 Monitor type does not match CMOS - Run SETUP
0230 System RAM Failed at offset
0231 Shadow RAM Failed at offset
0232 Extended RAM Failed at address line
0233 Memory type mixing detected
0234 Single-bit ECC error
0235 Multiple-bit ECC error occurred
0250 System battery is dead - Replace and run SETUP
0251 System CMOS checksum bad - Default configuration used
0260 System timer error
0270 Real time clock error
0271 Check date and time
02B0 Diskette drive A error
02B2 Incorrect Drive A type - run SETUP
02D0 System cache error - Cache disabled
0B1B PCI System Error on Bus/Device/Function
0B1C PCI Parity Error on Bus/Device/Function
0B30 CPU 1 Fan Alarm occurred
0B31 CPU 2 Fan Alarm occurred
0B32 Chassis Fan Alarm occurred