Management Options
Configure and
manage the switch
Option 1: Local Management
1 Connect your PC directly to the Console port on
the Control Processor module using the
included null modem cable.
2 Set a VT-100-compatible terminal emulation
program (such as HyperTerminal*) to these
3 At the Password prompt, press Enter. By
default, no password is set. See the User Guide
for information on setting passwords.
4 Configure IP settings:
At the prompt, type
ifconfig et0 [x.x.x.x] netmask [y.y.y.y]
• The out-of-band port or management port on
the front of the CP is identified as interface
• [x.x.x.x] is the IP address you want to assign
to the switch.
• [y.y.y.y] is the subnet mask you want to
assign to the switch.
The IP address allows you to access and manage the
switch using a Web browser or Telnet application.
Note: In-band through the switched ports is identified by interfaces sw1 through sw4093
and are assigned for each VLAN configured to use IP.
For example
Enter the following commands on a single line.
See the User Guide for complete information on
using Local Management and configuring VLANs.
- 9600 baud - 8 data bits
- No parity - 1 stop bit
ifconfig et0 netmask
ifconfig sw1 netmask