
Error Messages and Beep Codes
Table 61. Runtime Code Uncompressed in F000 Shadow RAM (continued)
Code Description of POST Operation
40 To prepare the descriptor tables.
42 To enter in virtual mode for memory test.
43 To enable interrupts for diagnostics mode.
44 To initialize data to check memory wrap around at 0:0.
45 Data initialized. Going to check for memory wrap around at 0:0 and finding the total system
memory size.
46 Memory wrap around test done. Memory size calculation over. About to go for writing patterns to
test memory.
47 Pattern to be tested written in extended memory. Going to write patterns in base 640 K memory.
48 Patterns written in base memory. Going to find out amount of memory below 1 M memory.
49 Amount of memory below 1 M found and verified. Going to find out amount of memory above 1 M
4B Amount of memory above 1 M found and verified. Check for soft reset and going to clear memory
below 1 M for soft reset. (If power on, go to check point # 4Eh).
4C Memory below 1 M cleared. (SOFT RESET) Going to clear memory above 1 M.
4D Memory above 1 M cleared. (SOFT RESET) Going to save the memory size. (Go to check
point # 52h).
4E Memory test started. (NOT SOFT RESET) About to display the first 64 K memory size.
4F Memory size display started. This will be updated during memory test. Going for sequential and
random memory test.
50 Memory testing/initialization below 1 M complete. Going to adjust displayed memory size for
relocation/ shadow.
51 Memory size display adjusted due to relocation/shadow. Memory test above 1 M to follow.
52 Memory testing/initialization above 1 M complete. Going to save memory size information.
53 Memory size information is saved. CPU registers are saved. Going to enter in real mode.
54 Shutdown successful, CPU in real mode. Going to disable gate A20 line and disable parity/NMI.
57 A20 address line, parity/NMI disable successful. Going to adjust memory size depending on
58 Memory size adjusted for relocation/shadow. Going to clear Hit <DEL> message.
59 Hit <DEL> message cleared. <WAIT...> message displayed. About to start DMA and interrupt
controller test.
60 DMA page register test passed. To do DMA#1 base register test.
62 DMA#1 base register test passed. To do DMA#2 base register test.
65 DMA#2 base register test passed. To program DMA unit 1 and 2.
66 DMA unit 1 and 2 programming over. To initialize 8259 interrupt controller.
7F Extended NMI sources enabling is in progress.
80 Keyboard test started. Clearing output buffer, checking for stuck key, to issue keyboard reset
81 Keyboard reset error/stuck key found. To issue keyboard controller interface test command.
82 Keyboard controller interface test over. To write command byte and init circular buffer.
83 Command byte written, global data init done. To check for lock-key.