
ECB-870 User’s Manual 95
Keyboard Error Or No Keyboard Present
Cannot initialize the keyboard. Make sure the keyboard is attached correctly and no keys
are being pressed during the boot.
If you are purposely configuring the system without a keyboard, set the error halt condition
in Setup to HALT ON ALL, BUT KEYBOARD. This will cause the BIOS to ignore the
missing keyboard and continue the boot.
Memory Address Error At...
Indicates a memory address error at a specific location. You can use this location along
with the memory map for your system to find and replace the bad memory chips.
Memory Parity Error At...
Indicates a memory parity error at a specific location. You can use this location along with
the memory map for your system to find and replace the bad memory chips.
Memory Size Has Changed Since Last Boot
Memory has been added or removed since the last boot. In EISA mode use Configuration
Utility to reconfigure the memory configuration. In ISA mode enter Setup and enter the
new memory size in the memory fields.
Memory Verify Error At...
Indicates an error verifying a value already written to memory. Use the location along with
your system's memory map to locate the bad chip.
Offending Address Not Found
This message is used in conjunction with the I/O CHANNEL CHECK and RAM PARITY
ERROR messages when the segment that has caused the problem cannot be isolated.
Offending Segment
This message is used in conjunction with the I/O CHANNEL CHECK and RAM PARITY
ERROR messages when the segment that has caused the problem has been isolated.
Press A Key To Reboot
This will be displayed at the bottom screen when an error occurs that requires you to
reboot. Press any key and the system will reboot.
Press F1 To Disable NMI, F2 To Reboot
When BIOS detects a Non-maskable Interrupt condition during boot, this will allow you to
disable the NMI and continue to boot, or you can reboot the system with the NMI enabled.