Put a copy of the directory for CAB files of Windows 95 from the CD-
ROM on to your local hard drive. This will take up approximately 35MB of
space. This will allow you to change settings on the system without using
your CD-ROM. This also allows you to install Windows 95 without
depending on the real mode SCSI CDROM driver.
Installing Windows 95 PC Card support: How do I install PC
Card support for the PRO/100 CardBus adapter?
It is only necessary to install PC Card support in Windows 95 if the version
of Windows 95 supports CardBus. Only Windows 95 version OSR2 or later
supports CardBus. Consult the Windows 95 Installation section of this
User's Guide for information on determining which version of Windows 95
you have.
If you do not have Windows 95 version 4.00.950b (OSR2) or later, the following
instructions do not apply. The Intel PRO/100 CardBus adapter will be loaded using
its own driver, and not by using Windows 95 PC Card support.
To install PC Card Socket support, it is always advisable to let Windows 95
do an autodetect to determine the type of PC Card controller you have. Also
make sure you have not loaded any real mode Card and Socket Services
drivers before proceeding.
1 Click the Start button in the lower left corner of the screen.
2 Choose the menu item: Settings.
3 Choose the menu item: Control Panel.
4 Double click on the “PC Card (PCMCIA)” icon.
5 One of two dialog boxes should appear:
a If a dialog box entitled “PC Card (PCMCIA) Properties”
appears, and “Socket Status” displays the status of Socket 1 and
Socket 2, this means you have already installed the 32-bit PC
Card support and you are finished. Proceed to Step 8.
b If a dialog box entitled “Welcome to the PC Card (PCMCIA)
Wizard” appears, proceed to step 6.
c If neither of these dialog boxes appears, add PC Card support by
doing the following: double click on My Computer, double click
on Control Panel, double click on Add New Hardware, and click
Yes for Autodetect. After Windows 95 detects and installs PC
Card support, restart Windows 95, and go back to step 1.