
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
October 2006 Technical Product Specification
Order Number: 304120 107
Addressing—MPCBL0010 SBC
LED3: Standard ATCA3 LED control: Heart beat LED, color is amber
ULED1: User LED 1, color from LED color control register
ULED2: User LED 2, color from LED color control register
OLED1: Override LED1. In this implementation, LED1 is controlled by the FWUM.
Setting this bit will override the FWUM LED control signal and activate bit LED1
MRLSw: Mechanical retention latch status for MCH (IPMC must write this bit)
Fault#: Fault indication for MCH (IPMC must write this bit)
AttSw: Attention switch for MCH (IPMC must write this bit)
Present#: AdvancedMC presence for MCH (IPMC must write 0 for presence)
En3V: Enables 3.3V power: bit is locked in "0" state if no AdvancedMC module is
En12V: Enables 12V power: bit is locked in "0" state if no AdvancedMC module is
EnIPMCB: Enables I
C link on AdvancedMC. module: bit is locked in "0" state if no
AdvancedMC module is present
EnAMC: Enables AdvancedMC module: bit is locked in "0" state if no AdvandedMC is
Present: Indicates that an AdvancedMC module is present
3VFault: Fault on 3.3V voltage from an overcurrent
3V0k: Valid 3.3V voltage
12VFault: Fault on 12V
12V0k: Valid 12V voltage
ClkAEn: Authorizes the telecom clock circuit to drive synchronization clock CLKA
ClkCEn: Authorizes the 100 MHz PCI-Express clock driver for this AdvancedMC module
Table 90. AdvancedMC B1 Control & Status 10h
Address Action D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Read MRLSw Fault# AttSw Present# EnAMC EnIPMB En12V En3V
Write MRLSw Fault# AttSw Present# EnAMC EnIPMB En12V En3V
Table 91. AdvancedMC B1 Control & Status 11h
Address Action D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Read ClkCEn ClkAEn 12V0k 12VFault 3V0k 3VFault Present
Write ClkCEn ClkAEn
PowerUp 0 0