
Board Manual 11
IQ80321 I/O Processor Evaluation Platform
Revision History
Date Revision Description
April 2003 008 Changed name and references of Tester1LED to Tester321LED.
March 2003 007
Revised Appendix B, “Getting Started and Debugger”.
Added Appendix C, “Getting Started and Debugger”.
November 2002 006
Added Warning to Section 3.8.4, “Logic-Analyzer Connectors” through Section 3.8.9,
“Mictor J2C1”.
21 October 2002 005 Updated typographical errors in Appendix B, “Getting Started and Debugger”.
07 October 2002 004
Added Section 3.10.2, “PCIX Initialization Summary”.
Added Appendix B, “Getting Started and Debugger”.
August 2002 003 Replaced Section 5, “Software Reference”.
May 2002 002
Corrected various typographical errors.
Updated Notes in Table 24, added Spare for S9E1-3.
Revised Table 26
, Table 27 and Ta ble 3 0 .
Revised Factory Default in Ta b l e 6 2 .
Corrected Switch nomenclature in Table 66 / Table 67 and Table 74 / Ta bl e 7 5 .
February 2002 001 Initial Release.