
IXP42X product line and IXC1100 control plane processors—JTAG Interface
IXP42X Product Line of Network Processors and IXC1100 Control Plane Processor
DM September 2006
554 Order Number: 252480-006US
20.3 Data Registers
The Data Registers are essentially a shift register and a read/write register juxtaposed.
In other words, the shift register is used to shift data in and out and the read/write
register gets parallel loaded by the shift register during the Update-DR state and writes
back to the shift register (again, parallel-wise) during the Capture-DR state.
Typically, the data contained in the read/write registers are configuration bits, status
bits, or ID bits. The manner in which each data register is read and written, follows the
IEEE 1149.1 protocol using JTG_TDI, JTG_TDO, JTG_TMS, JTG_TRST_N, and JTG_TCK
signals. All the data registers (with the exception of the Instruction Register) can be
serially loaded with the corresponding data-register_write or data-register_read
instruction loaded in the JTAG Instruction Register along with the TAP Controller being
in the Shift-DR state.
0000011 R Reserved Reserved
0000111 X LDIC Used for loading the Intel XScale processor instruction cache.
0001001 X DCSR Used for accessing the Debug Control/Status Register.
0001010 X BIST Used for Intel XScale processor BIST operation.
0001100 X SNAPDAT Used for putting Intel XScale processor into snapshot mode.
0010000 X DBGTX
Used for accessing the TX Debug Register within the Intel XScale
1000000 R Reserved Reserved
1000001 R Reserved Reserved
1000010 R Reserved Reserved
1000011 R Reserved Reserved
1000100 R Reserved Reserved
1000101 R Reserved Reserved
1000110 R Reserved Reserved
1001001 I BS_CLAMP
This instruction allows “guarding” values to be placed on the output
pins of a device while connecting the Bypass Register between TDI
and TDO in the shift_dr state. While the BS_CLAMP instruction is
selected, the state of all signals driven from system output pins is
defined by the data held in the Boundary Scan Register.
1001010 I HIGH_Z
The Highz instruction places the device in a state such that all
output and bidirectional pins are placed in an inactive drive state.
The Highz instruction connects the Bypass Register between TDI
and TDO in the shift_dr state.
1111110 X IDCODE
Connects the ID register in Intel XScale processor between TDI and
TDO during the TAP controller’s shift_dr state.
The IDCODE Register will be a 32-bit register and will contain the
following values when read:
533 MHz speed grade = 0x09274013
400 MHz speed grade = 0x09275013
266 MHz speed grade = 0x09277013
All other instructions will connect a single bit Bypass Register
between TDI and TDO.
Table 174. JTAG Instruction Set (Sheet 2 of 2)
Op Code
Intel XScale
Processor or
IXP425 Op Code
(X= XScale,
I = IXP425,
R = Reserved)
Instruction Name Description