Chapter 6. DIGITAL UNIX Installation
EK–KZPCM–UG. B01 6–5
You determined that the SCSI1 and SCSI2 buses were the KZPCM during boot.
The following shows an example of a configuration file before and after editing.
System configuration file before editing:
bus itpsa0 at pci? vector itpsaintr
bus itpsa1 at pci? vector itpsaintr
bus psiop0 at pci0 slot 4 vector psiopintr
bus psiop1 at pci1000 slot 0 vector psiopintr
bus psiop2 at pci1000 slot 1 vector psiopintr
controller scsi0 at psiop0 slot 0
controller scsi1 at psiop1 slot 0
controller scsi2 at psiop2 slot 0
controller scsi4 at itpsa? vector scsiintr
controller scsi5 at itpsa? vector scsiintr
System configuration file after editing:
bus itpsa0 at pci? vector itpsaintr
bus itpsa1 at pci? vector itpsaintr
bus psiop0 at pci0 slot 4 vector psiopintr
bus psiop1 at pci1000 slot 0 vector psiopintr
bus psiop2 at pci1000 slot 1 vector psiopintr
controller scsi0 at psiop0 slot 0
#controller scsi1 at psiop1 slot 0
#controller scsi2 at psiop2 slot 0
controller scsi1 at itpsa? vector scsiintr
controller scsi2 at itpsa? vector scsiintr
1. First time only - save the original vmunix kernel:
# cp /vmunix /vmunix.orig
2. Run the
doconfig -c
command to build a new kernel. In the example
is the name of the kernel configuration file
specified during the installation of the KZPCM driver.
# cd /sys/conf
# doconfig -c <SYSCFGFILE>
3. When the 'doconfig' command is finished, it will instruct you to copy the
new kernrel kernel to the root directory:
# cd /sys/<SYSCFGFILE>
# cp vmunix /vmunix
4. Reboot
# shutdown -r now