
Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25 & Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI
6.4 SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (32 & 64 bit)
Remote Installation Method
Issue: Recommended Method for performing SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Installation via SMB
Guideline: Configure the MFSYS25 system as follows:
1. Ensure P2.0.5 or later SW stack is loaded
2. Management Module, Ethernet Switch (1 port and with compute module
ports in default vlan 1 setup) and client (desktop/laptop) in same network
3. Client requires DVD unit installed direct or via USB port
4. Disable client’s Firewall
5. Share the client’s DVD-unit with “all read/write permissions”
6. Log into CMM and via GUI create a Storage Pool and Virtual Drive and
assign it to the compute module as LUN 0.
7. Via GUI select the compute module’s Remote KVM session and select CD-
ROM Redirection and map to the DVD-drive-letter (E) on client
8. Select Video color resolution = High
Revision 1.4