46 Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0001 High Performance Single Board Computer
Technical Product Specification
Hardware Management Overview
completed, the controller goes through a reset and boots up with the new firmware. The host
processor is not reset when going through a firmware update, so the operating system and
applications running on the host processor are not interrupted.
Below is a step-by-step procedure on how to update the firmware:
1. Copy the FW upgrade utility and FW upgrade (Hex) file to a DOS bootable floppy disk.
2. Boot MPCBL0001 from a USB floppy disk (connected to the USB port) to a DOS prompt.
3. Copy the automatically generated (C: drive) Upgrade utility and hex file to RAM disk.
4. Issue the command “FWPIAUPD filename.hex” (or whatever the actual hex file name is).
5. MPCBL0001 is now in FW upgrade mode. Select 'U' for updating firmware or 'V' to verify the
hex image on the board with the image being used by the update utility.
6. The utility shows the versions on the board and on the hex image being updated.
7. Select 'Y' to update; follow the prompts and answer appropriately.
The upgrade ends with a message of successful termination.
3.6.2 IPMC Firmware Upgrade via the IPMB Interface (RMCP)
IPMI Specification v1.5 defines Remote Management Control Protocol (RMCP). Version 1.5 adds
features for layering commands through virtual networks like Ethernet.
The IPMC firmware that needs to be upgraded is loaded to client utility software on the RMCP
client. The RMCP client uses the RMCP protocol carrying embedded IPMI messages to send to the
RMCP Server running in the CMM. The RMCP server decodes the RMCP package and forwards
the IPMI messages to the SBC.
Figure 5. Upgrade via Remote Management Node
MPCBL0001 High-
Performance SBC
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0001 High-
Performance SBC
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0001 High-
Performance SBC
(RMCP Client)
(RMCP Server)