Intel NetStructure
MPCMM0002 Chassis Management Module
July 2007 Hardware TPS
Order Number: 309247-004US 51
Front Panel—MPCMM0002 CMM
A cable to connect the two telco alarms together is shown in Figure 27. Connector A
goes to the facility’s alarm panel, while connectors B and C go to the RTM connectors
for CMM 1 and CMM 2.
Pinouts for the cables to match the diagram in Figure 27 are shown in Table 19. Since
the CMMs that drive the telco alarm signals are normally kept synchronized, either of
the cables described in this table should work. However, choosing a cable that matches
the type of alarm in use, whether normally open or normally closed, also helps protect
against errors with the CMMs themselves.
9.4 Alarm Quiet Switch
The alarm quiet switch is located on the CMM faceplate. When the user presses the
alarm quiet switch, the CMM shuts off the alarm relays for a fixed period of time.
During the time alarm quiet is in effect, the front panel alarm LEDs flash. If the quiet
interval is exceeded without resolving the alarms, the alarms will be re-initiated.
Figure 27. Cascaded Telco Alarm Cables
Table 19. Ganged Telco Alarm Cable Pinouts with Cabling
For Normally Open Alarms For Normally Closed Alarms
A Pin Description B Pin C Pin A Pin Description B Pin C Pin
1 MinorReset + 1 1 1 MinorReset + 1 1
2 MinorReset - 2 2 2 MinorReset - 2 2
3 MajorReset + 3 3 3 MajorReset + 3 3
4 MajorReset - 4 4 4 MajorReset - 4 4
5 CriticalAlarm - NO 5 5 5 CriticalAlarm - NO 5 5
6 CriticalAlarm - NC 6 6 6 CriticalAlarm - NC 6 -
- - - - - CriticalAlarm - X 7 6
7 CriticalAlarm - COM 7 7 7 CriticalAlarm - COM - 7
8 MinorAlarm - NO 8 8 8 MinorAlarm - NO 8 8
9 MinorAlarm - NC 9 9 9 MinorAlarm - NC 9 -
- - - - - MinorAlarm - X 10 9
10 MinorAlarm - COM 10 10 10 MinorAlarm - COM - 10
11 MajorAlarm - NO 11 11 11 MajorAlarm - NO 11 11
12 MajorAlarm - NC 12 12 12 MajorAlarm - NC 12 -
- - - - - MajorAlarm - X 13 12
13 MajorgAlarm - COM 13 13 13 MajorAlarm - COM - 13
14 PwrAlarm - NO 14 14 14 PwrAlarm - NO 14 14
15 PwrAlarm - COM 15 15 15 PwrAlarm - COM 15 15