GigPMC Switch Board and Driver Users Manual
DSS NETWORKS, INC. Version: 2.6 Page: 29
$ mkdir util
$ cd util
$ cp /mnt/cdrom/linux-dpm-driver/util/util*.tar.gz .
$ gunzip util*.tar.gz
$ tar vxf util*.tar
To create a new utility programs:
$ make clean
$ make
Note(1): If you are installing the adapter cards in an SMP machine, you should
comment out the standard CFLAGS line in the “Makefile” and uncomment the SMP
version of CFLAGS before compiling the driver (safe to leave SMP enabled on newer
versions of Linux (2.4.18 – 2.4.26, 2.6).
Note(2): Before compiling, please also edit the Makefile and set “INCLUDEDIR” to the
path of your Linux kernel source tree. For example:
INCLUDEDIR = /usr/src/linux-2.4.25/include
Installing the driver
To install the driver object module in the file system, become root and run:
# make install
# depmod –a
# insmod dpm.o
Note(1): For loading driver with Intel 82546 based cards, use ‘ChipSelector=1’ or leave
blank (default)
Note(2): For loading driver with National DP83820 based cards, use ‘ChipSelector=0’
Note(3): ‘modprobe’ may be used in place of ‘insmod’ to resolve module dependencies.
Configure the card using your preferred configuration tool, or edit the initialization script
for the interface directly. On Red Hat, the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
might look something like this (substituting ethernet device number, example: eth0,
eth1, etc):