258 Software Developer’s Manual
Register Descriptions
1. Values programmed in bits 12:8 of the 1000BASE-T Control Register have no effect unless Auto-Negotiation
is restarted (PHY Control Register, bit 9) or the link goes down. These bits can also be overridden by the PHY
Control Register.
2. The symbol “!” is equivalent to logical “not.”
3. For the 82541xx and 82547GI/EI, the default for bit 9 is affected by configuration bits in the EEPROM. If
EEPROM ANI1000DIS is asserted, then the default is set to 0b. If EEPROM ADV10LU is asserted, then the
default is set to 0b. 1000BASE-T Status Register
GSTATUS (10d; R)
15:13 Test mode
000b = Normal Mode.
001b = Test Mode 1 - Transmit
Waveform Test.
010b = Test Mode 2 - Transmit Jitter
Test (MASTER mode).
011b = Test Mode 3 - Transmit Jitter
Test (SLAVE mode).
100b = Test Mode 4 - Transmit
Distortion Test.
101b, 110b, 111b = Reserved.
R/W 000b 000b
1. For the 82541xx and 82547GI/EI, only when PHY register 9, bit 12 is set to a logical 0.
2. 0b for the 82541xx and 82547GI/EI only
3. For the 82541xx and 82547GI/EI, only when PHY register 9, bit 12 is set to a logical 1.
Table 13-28. 1000BASE-T Control Register Bit Description
Bit(s) Field Description Mode HW Rst SW Rst
Table 14-29. 1000BASE-T Status Register Bit Description
Field Bit(s) Description Mode HW Rst SW Rst
Idle Error Count 7:0
Idle Error Counter.
The counter stops at 1111b 1111b and
does not roll over.
Reserved 9:8 Reserved. Should be set to 00b RO 00b 00b
Link Partner
Half Duplex
1b = Link Partner is capable of
1000BASE-T half duplex.
0b = Link Partner is not capable of
1000BASE-T half duplex.
Values in bits 11:10 are not valid until
the ANE Register Page Received bit
equals 1b.
RO 0b 0b
Link Partner
Full Duplex Capability
1b = Link Partner is capable of
1000BASE-T full duplex.
0b = Link Partner is not capable of
1000BASE-T full duplex.
Values in bits 11:10 are not valid until
the ANE Register Page Received bit
equals 1b.
RO 0b 0b
Remote Receiver
1b = Remote Receiver OK.
0 b = Remote Receiver Not OK.
RO 0b 0b