5 Click 100 or 10 Mbps, depending on hub speed.
6 Click the menu for Duplex Mode
7 Click Full.
8 Click OK when finished.
9 Click Restart Windows NT.
Windows 95
While running Windows 95:
1 From the Control Panel, double-click the Intel PROSet icon.
2 PROSet examines your system and displays the Adapter Setup
window. If you have multiple adapters, click the adapter you are
configuring (you can identify it by its Ethernet address). Each
adapter must be configured separately. See page 11, Installing
Multiple Adapters, for more information.
3 From the window that appears, click Change.
4 From the Adapter Setup window, click the menu for Network Speed.
5 Click 100 or 10 Mbps, depending on hub speed.
6 Click the menu for Duplex Mode
7 Click Full.
8 Click OK when finished.
9 Click OK to restart Windows 95.
Other operating systems
See the Adapter Installation and Special Configurations README file. See
page 1 for instructions on viewing README files.
“Push” Installation for Windows 95
If you are a LAN Administrator setting up server-based push installation of
Windows 95 as defined in Microsoft Windows 95 Resource Kit, additional
steps are required for this adapter. Refer to the Windows 95 README file
under the Microsoft section of Installing EtherExpress PRO/100B adapter