8-20 PXA250 and PXA210 Applications Processors Design Guide
Power and Clocking
8.7 Example Form Factor Reference Design Power
Delivery Example
8.7.1 Power System
Features of the example form factor reference design power system (example in Figure 8-5,
“Example Form Factor Reference Design Power System Design” on page 8-22) are:
• A standard-size cylindrical single-cell Li+ 3.6 V battery with a 1.8 Ahr capacity
• Battery temperature monitoring thermistor during charge cycles
• Battery voltage monitoring
• Charger supply voltage fault monitoring
• Low battery interrupt signal to the microprocessor.
Table 8-18. Synchronous Memory Interface AC Specifications (2.5 V)
Symbol Description MIN MAX Notes
tsynCLK SDCLK period
tsynCMD nSDCAS, nSDRAS, nWE, nSDCS assert time
tsynRCD nSDRAS to nSDCAS assert time
tsynCAS nSDCAS to nSDCAS assert time
MA(25:0), MD(31:0), DQM(3:0), nSDCS(3:0), nSDRAS, nSDCAS, nWE, nOE,
SDCKE(1:0), RDnWR output setup time to SDCLK(2:0) rise
MA(25:0), MD(31:0), DQM(3:0), nSDCS(3:0), nSDRAS, nSDCAS, nWE, nOE,
SDCKE(1:0), RDnWR output hold time from SDCLK(2:0) rise
tsynSDIS MD(31:0) read data input setup time from SDCLK(2:0) rise
tsynDIH MD(31:0) read data input hold time from SDCLK(2:0) rise
Fast Flash (Synchronous READS only)
tffCLK SDCLK period
tffAS MA(25:0) setup to nSDCAS (as nADV) asserted
tffCES nCS setup to nSDCAS (as nADV) asserted
tffADV nSDCAS (as nADV) pulse width
tffOS nSDCAS (as nADV) deassertion to nOE assertion
tffCEH nOE deassertion to nCS deassertion
1. These numbers are for a maximum 99.5 MHz MEMCLK and 99.5 MHz output SDCLK.
2. SDCLK for SDRAM and SMROM can be at the slowest, divide-by-2 of the 99.5 MHz MEMCLK. It can be 99.5 MHz at the
3. This number represents 1/2 SDCLK period.
4. SDCLK for Fast Flash can be at the slowest, divide-by-2 of the 99.5 MHz MEMCLK. It can be divide-by-2 of the 132.7 MHz
MEMCLK at its fastest.