Initiates an editing session in which to change switch configuration settings. Each parameter is
displayed, one line at a time and prompts you for a value. For each parameter, type a new value or
press the Enter key to accept the current value shown in brackets. Type q to cancel the configuration.
TLPortMode Initiates the configuration of external ports attributes. Indicates whether using
initiator or target devices on the loop. If you specify [port_number], the display
will present attributes for that port only; otherwise, all attributes for all ports will
be available for configuration.
ISLSecurity E_Port security. Determines which switches a port will establish a link with.
• Any - Will link with any switch.
• Ours - Will link only to another Fibre Channel switch module.
• None - The port will not establish an ISL link.
SymbolicPortName Descriptive name.
ALFairness Default is switch that has priority.
ARB_FF Use ARB_FF instead of idles on loop FCAL option.
InteropCredit Number of buffer-to-buffer credits per port. 0 means the default (12) is
ExtCredit Extended credit port.
FANEnable Fabric Address Notification. If enabled, notifies logged-in NL_Ports of the
FL_Port address, port name, and node name.
LCFEnable Link control frame preference, R_CTL = 0xC.
MFSEnable Multi-frame sequence bundling.
MFS_TOV MFS limit for camp on.
MSEnable Management Server enable on this port.
NoClose Do not close unless another device arbitrates.
I/O Stream Guard Enables or disables the suppression of RSCN messages.
IVIEnable Not applicable.
CheckAlps Close before sending frames to new target.
Table 8. Set Config switch parameters
Parameter Description
AdminState Switch administrative state: online, offline, or diagnostics.
Broadcast Enable Enables (True) or disables (False) forwarding if broadcasting frames.
InbandEnabled Enables (True) or disables (False) the ability to manage the switch over an
DefaultDomainID Default domain ID setting.
DomainIDLock Prevents (True) or allows (False) dynamic reassignment of the domain ID.
Table 7. Set Config port parameters (continued)
Parameter Description