The buffer credit flow control mechanism provides a way to ensure full use of the media, regardless of length,
by providing for frame streaming. With frame streaming, the sender can transmit as many frames as there are
credits without having to wait for a response to one frame before transmitting the next frame. The media can
then be continuously in use at its rated capacity.
The external port (0,15) settings or characteristics are configured using the Port Properties window shown in
Figure 18 To open the Port Properties window, select one or more external ports and click Port ” Port
Figure 18. External Port Properties window
The Port Properties window displays the switch module name and the selected external ports. Use the Port
Properties window to change the following parameters:
• Port state
• Port speed
• Port mode
• TL mode
• Port buffer credits
• I/O stream guard (RSCN suppression)
Internal port (1 through 14) configuration is limited to the port state as shown in Figure 19 on page 110. To
open the Port Properties window, select one or more internal ports and click Port / Port Properties.