
SE7221BK1-E Technical Product Specification
Revision 1.3
Error Code Error Message Response
14D Primary Master Hard Disk Error Pause
14E Primary Slave Hard Disk Error Pause
14F Secondary Master Hard Disk Error Pause
150 Secondary Slave Hard Disk Error Pause
151 Primary Master Drive - ATAPI Incompatible Pause
152 Primary Slave Drive - ATAPI Incompatible Pause
153 Secondary Master Drive - ATAPI Incompatible Pause
154 Secondary Slave Drive - ATAPI Incompatible Pause
8100 Processor failed BIST Warning
8110 Processor Internal error (IERR) Warning
8120 Processor Thermal Trip error Warning
8160 Processor unable to apply BIOS update Pause
8170 Processor L2 cache Failed Pause
8180 BIOS does not support current stepping for Processor Pause
8190 Watchdog Timer failed on last boot Warning
8191 12:1 Core to bus ratio: Processor Cache disabled Pause
8192 L2 Cache size mismatch Pause
8193 CPUID, Processor Stepping are different Pause
8194 CPUID, Processor Family are different Pause
8195 Front Side Bus Speed mismatch. System Halted Pause
8197 CPU Speed mismatch Pause
8300 Baseboard Management Controller failed to function Pause
8301 Front Panel Controller failed to Function Pause
84F2 Server Management Interface Failed Pause
84F3 BMC in Update Mode Pause
84F4 Sensor Data Record Empty Pause
84FF System Event Log Full Warning
9.7.3 POST Progress Codes and Messages POST Code Checkpoints
Table 70. POST Code Checkpoints
Checkpoint Description
03 Disable NMI, Parity, video for EGA, and DMA controllers. Initialize BIOS, POST, Runtime data
area. Also initialize BIOS modules on POST entry and GPNV area. Initialized CMOS as mentioned
in the Kernel Variable "wCMOSFlags."
04 Check CMOS diagnostic byte to determine if battery power is OK and CMOS checksum is OK.
Verify CMOS checksum manually by reading storage area. If the CMOS checksum is bad, update
CMOS with power-on default values and clear passwords. Initialize status register A.
Initializes data variables that are based on CMOS setup questions. Initializes both the 8259
compatible PICs in the system