
SRPL8 Server System Product Guide 225
bootable media required, 34
countdown codes, 163
error codes and messages, 167
error messages, 34
memory, amount tested, 34
power cords
disconnect all before opening
system, 94, 130
power on/off
switch does not turn off AC power, 93, 94,
power supply, 14
configuration constraints, 88
DC outputs, 19
failure LED, 88
fan, 14
hazardous conditions, 94
hot swapping, 88
input voltage ranges, 19
input voltages, 192
maximum watts, drives, 18
output voltage, 192
redundant, 88
removing, 88
replacing, 90
safety interlock mechanism, 88
warning, 88
power system, 14, 191
power usage
calculating, 194
worksheet, 195, 196
after running new application
software, 156
after system has been running
correctly, 156
application software, 162
beep codes, 159
bootable CD-ROM not detected, 162
CD-ROM drive activity light, 161
confirm OS loading, 158
diskette drive light, 160
hard drive light, 161
initial system startup, 155
network, 161
no characters on screen, 159
PCI installation tips, 161
power light, 159
preparing system for diagnostic
testing, 157
random error in data files, 156
screen characters incorrect, 160
system cooling fans do not rotate, 160
system lights, 158
using PCDiagnostics, 157
processor, 22
installing, 149
removing, 148
processor retention bracket
installing, 135
removing, 134
profusion carrier, 22
installing, 136
removing, 136
profusion carrier tray
installing, 104
removing, 104
Q - R
QLogic SCSI, boot-time message, 34
real-time clock, running SSU to configure
settings, 153
recovery mode indicator, SCSI drive, 87
regulatory specifications
electromagnetic compatibility, 208
safety compliance, 207
removable media bays
grounding clip, 126
installing drive, 126
installing drive slide rails, 126
installing metal EMI shield over empty
bay, 128
limiting use of hard drives, 126
removing drive, 128
routing cables, 127
reset system, 34, 155
RFI, 14
RTC, See real-time clock