Viglen SX220 User Guide 84
Recovery Agent
If the BMC firmware remote update fails, the server will reboot into the service
partition and the recovery agent will attempt to finish the update. The recovery agent
is an executable file (recover.exe) that exists on the service partition.
Configuration Save/Restore Add-In
Clicking on the Configuration Save/Restore Add-in (CSR) allows you to save
configuration information from various sources to a file. The CSR saves information
from the following sources:
• PCI records in non-volatile storage
• Non-volatile emergency management port (EMP), platform event paging
(PEP), and Platform event filtering (PEF) settings
• Save To File: Displays a file dialog so you can choose a filename and
location. The CSR then tries to save any non-volatile configuration
information it can to that file. Data is saved from all sources. There is no
way to choose only certain pieces of configuration data to save. The CSR
also saves the platform type, BIOS version and firmware version information
in the file.
• Restore From File: Displays a file dialog so you can choose a file
containing configuration data to restore. The CSR then reads the platform
identification string from the file and compares it to a string retrieved from
the BIOS on the server. If the two do not match, an error message is
displayed and the restore operation aborts. If they do match, the add-in
restores the configuration data to the server. It prompts you to reboot the
server for the new settings to take effect.
NOTE: BIOS passwords are stored in the file. Restoring a configuration can make
passwords change on a server.
• Close: Closes the CSR main window.
• Help: Displays help information.