Platform Installations and Upgrades
Platform Installations and Upgrades
Before You Begin
Before working with your server product, pay close attention to the safety instructions at
the beginning of this manual. See “
Safety Information.”
Tools and Supplies Needed
Phillips* (cross head) screwdriver (#1 bit and #2 bit)
Needle nosed pliers
Antistatic wrist strap and conductive foam pad (recommended). To mitigate damage
to equipment from static electricity discharge an antistatic wriststrap connected to
earth ground must be worn be service personnel.
System References
All references to left, right, front, top, and bottom are based on the reader facing the front
of the platform as it would be positioned for normal operation.
Cable Routing Reference
It is important for cables to be connected correctly. The diagram below provides
information about the location of the cable connections. Use this diagram as a reference
when following the installation steps in this chapter.
Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGI2U User Guide 33