X18-M/X25-M SATA Solid State Drive
February 2009 Product Manual
Order Number: 319765-006US 21
69-70 F 0h Reserved (for future command overlap and queuing)
71-74 F 0h Reserved for the IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE command.
75 F 001Eh Queue depth
76 F 0106h Serial ATA capabilities
77 F 0h Reserved for future Serial ATA definition
78 F 0048h Serial ATA features supported
79 V 0040h Serial ATA features enabled
80 F 00FCh Major Version Number
81 F 001Ah Minor Version Number
82 F 746Bh Command set supported.
83 F 7C01h Command sets supported.
84 F 6123h Command set/feature supported extension.
85 V 7469h Command set/feature enabled.
86 V BC01h Command set/feature enabled.
87 V 6123h Command set/feature default.
88 V 407Fh Ultra DMA Modes
89 F 0001h Time required for security erase unit completion
90 F 0001h Time required for Enhanced security erase completion
91 V 0h Current advanced power management value
92 V FFFEh Master Password Revision Code
93 F 0h
Hardware reset result. The contents of bits (12:0) of this word shall change
only during the execution of a hardware reset.
94 V 0h Vendor’s recommended and actual acoustic management value.
95 F 0h Stream Minimum Request Size
96 V 0h Streaming Transfer Time - DMA
97 V 0h Streaming Access Latency - DMA and PIO
98-99 F 0h Streaming Performance Granularity
100-103 V
(80 GB)
(160 GB)
Maximum user LBA for 48-bit Address feature set.
104 V 0h Streaming Transfer Time - PIO
105 F 0h Reserved
106 F 4000h Physical sector size / logical sector size
107 F 0h Inter-seek delay for ISO-7779 acoustic testing in microseconds
108-111 F Varies Unique ID
112-115 F 0h Reserved for world wide name extension to 128 bits
116 V 0h Reserved for technical report-
117-118 F 0h Words per Logical Sector
119 F 401Ch Supported Settings
Table 16. Returned Sector Data (Continued)
F = Fixed
V = Variable
X = Both
Default Value Description