High Availability Software for the Intel
ZT 4901 Technical Product Specification 59
Redundant Host API
IN uint32 InfoBufferSize,
OUT uint32 *pActualSize );
Handle the handle of the current session
PhysSlot the physical slot number below which the devices in question are nested
pSlotPath the slot path to the parent bridge for the devices
pInfoBuffer pointer to the buffer where the information about devices is placed
InfoBufferSize the size (in bytes) of the buffer initially provided for the array by the
pActualSize pointer to the variable where the required size of the buffer is stored
(even if the initial size is too small and the function returns the error
Return Value:
returned in the case of success
invalid session handle
if there are no child devices below the specified bridge
returned if the information buffer provided by the caller is too small; in
that case, the buffer isn’t filled in but the location pointed by pActualSize
is set to a correct value to assist the caller in subsequent buffer allocation.
returned if this function is not supported by the infrastructure
Other, implementation-defined HSI_STATUS values
returned if other errors occurred during execution of this function
This function retrieves information about child devices below the specified bridge that occupies the
specified physical slot or is nested below it. The bridge is specified by the input parameter
The following information is provided for each device as an RH_SLOT_DESCRIPTOR structure:
Size This is the size of a particular RH_SLOT_DESCRIPTOR value
including the variable-length SlotPath field.
Device addressing attributes:
PhysicalSlot The number of the physical slot in the format (shelf-ID, physical-slot-
ID); the device described by this descriptor is nested below this slot
PhysSlotDepth The number of bridging levels between this device and the physical slot.