User’s Manual for InterForm400® 159
Update AFC-functions attatched to output queues AFC305D
Output queue . . . . . . : AFC_INPUT1
Library . . . . . . . : APF3812
Seqnbr Funct Form type Save Jobname Filename Device file Program
0001 5 *STD
Move spooled file, new outq: AFC_OUT1 library: APF3812
0002 1 DEMO
Merge, Overlay: IF400DEMO Fileset: SAMPLE
0003 6
Hold Spooled File
Seqnbr Function
2,1 5 Move Spooled File
New output queue . . . . . . . . AFC_INPUT2 *DEFAULT, *USER
Library . . . . . . . . . . . APF3812___
Hold output spooled file . . . . *NO_ *NO, *YES
Save output spooled file . . . . *NO_ *NO, *YES
F3=Exit F13=Fold/Unfold F12=Cancel
Print jobs having neither *STD nor DEMO as form type will be put on hold on queue
AFC_INPUT1 by the last sequence line
Press Enter to save the new sequence line 3 and press F3 to exit the AFC definition
Step 6. Testing new functions in AFC_INPUT1
We can now try to release a demo spool entry using option 1. Create Demo Spool Entry
under 12. Service Functions in the Administration menu.
You will notice that the demo spool entry is printed with overlay IF400DEMO to the queue
AFC_OUT1 just as we experienced in the Getting Started section.
Now try changing the default output queue for your current job to be AFC_INPUT1. This is
done by the following command:
Try to make a screen dump or print a log or another system report. Example:
It will now be printed to queue AFC_INPUT1, but as it has formtype *STD it will be moved
to queue AFC_OUT1 and be printed as normal.
We will also notice that the demo spool entry (form type DEMO) has been moved to
queue AFC_INPUT2, where it is placed with status *RDY: